Hi, my name is Saad Haddad. I’m originally from the Middle East, I’ve been living in the United States since the early 1990s.
With a Masters degree in Business, I spent several years working in the financial industry. I guess things don’t last forever, I changed to a new chapter, went into education, and became a teacher.
The best perk about being a teacher is more time off to travel. Having the summers off, and fall and spring breaks, I got to increase the number of days and weeks to travel.
I always had the desire to travel, but you’d think that I’ll be satisfied after traveling during these breaks and be happy. I never feel ready to end my travels. So when I am at the end of a trip, I plan for the next one.
Prague is one of the cities that I find very interesting. I like to use the word magical. Since 2017 I have traveled to Prague an average of three times a year.
Last summer 2022, I decided to start a blog. No matter how primitive it may become, especially since all pictures and videos I am uploading are from my phone. At least I will use my travels and have fun while working on this blog. I hope that I won’t be alone enjoying it.
In the summer of 2017, I was traveling in Europe with family members. Toward the end of the trip, I decided to spend a few days solo before flying back to the US. I thought about Munich or Prague. I’ve already been to Munich but never to Prague. Prague should have been the obvious choice since I’ve never been there, but I still couldn’t decide, because I speak German and in Munich people speak German. So I decided that flipping the coin would decide it for me. My strategy was to flip the coin several times, and see which city will win by a large margin. The result was like a landslide victory for Prague winning by an overwhelming margin.
Saad Haddad